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Redstor+ConnectWise: a game-changer for IT service providers

Redstor posted in Redstor | 10 Oct 2024

Managing multiple clients, juggling countless tasks, and ensuring data is always protected—that’s the daily routine for IT service providers.

Having a reliable Professional Services Automation (PSA) tool is crucial to managing it all effectively. ConnectWise is one of the most trusted platforms in the IT services space.

Now, with Redstor’s seamless integration into ConnectWise, service providers can streamline their operations, save time, and ensure nothing falls through the cracks.

Here’s why the Redstor-ConnectWise integration matters for IT service providers.

What is a PSA, and why do IT service providers need one?

PSAs like ConnectWise are more than just helpful tools—they’re a critical platform for managing your business. Handling everything from service delivery, project management, and billing, a PSA removes the headache of juggling multiple systems, spreadsheets, and emails. It automates repetitive tasks, allowing you to save time, reduce human error, and deliver a better service to your clients.

Research shows that 93% of service providers using a PSA report improved productivity, and 87% see increased customer satisfaction due to enhanced service levels. By automating routine tasks, you can focus on higher-value activities and gain a competitive edge.

The power of ConnectWise for IT service providers

ConnectWise has built its reputation by helping IT service providers take control of their processes. From managing tickets and automating the service desk to streamlining billing, ConnectWise centralises it all in one place.

For example, businesses using ConnectWise experience a 25% reduction in time spent on ticketing and billing. It also improves technician utilisation by 10-15%, meaning you can do more with less. With everything at your fingertips, you can manage client requests and issues in real time and automate routine tasks like invoicing and ticket generation.

Redstor x ConnectWise: Automation and billing integration

The Redstor integration enhances two key areas within ConnectWise: service desk automation and billing. Here’s how it works:

  • Service desk automation Redstor’s integration automatically generates tickets for any data protection issues. No manual input is required. This means quicker response times and fewer missed issues, improving the service experience for your clients.
  • Billing integration: Real-time usage data drives automated invoicing, making the process quicker and more accurate. Automating billing through a PSA like ConnectWise can save up to 30% of the time previously spent on manual invoicing while also improving accuracy.

With these automations in place, IT service providers can cut down on manual admin tasks, letting their teams focus on what really matters: delivering top-tier service to clients.

What’s next? The marketplace integration

The next step in Redstor’s integration journey with ConnectWise is its availability on the marketplace. Soon, service providers will be able to access and manage Redstor directly from the ConnectWise ecosystem, enhancing ease of use even further.

The big picture: Managing Redstor through ConnectWise and the benefits for service providers

By integrating Redstor with ConnectWise, IT service providers gain more than just automation—they unlock efficiency. Automating ticketing, billing, and data protection not only saves time but also improves service quality. A PSA like ConnectWise can increase business efficiency by 20-30%, giving you more bandwidth to focus on growth.

The biggest benefits include:

  • Efficiency: The integration allows for automatic ticketing and billing updates, freeing up time for your team to focus on solving problems rather than managing them. A PSA tool like ConnectWise can increase overall business efficiency by 20-30%, according to industry data.
  • Proactive data protection: With automated alerts and tickets for data issues, you can stay ahead of potential problems, solving them before they impact your clients. Studies show that businesses using ConnectWise saw a 35% faster issue resolution time, significantly improving their client service experience.
  • Streamlined billing: Automated invoicing means fewer errors and more transparency, ensuring your billing process is accurate and quick.

In short, the Redstor-ConnectWise integration provides IT service providers with the tools to simplify, automate, and elevate their service delivery. Why not let Redstor and ConnectWise do the heavy lifting so you can focus on what really matters?