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How to backup Microsoft Office 365 email

Kim Reddy posted in Cloud backup | 14 Nov 2022

Microsoft Office 365 is a cloud-based solution that offers many business applications, including email. 

For most businesses, email is an integral component of workflow and communication. In fact, in 2020, the number of e-mail users amounted to four billion active users across the globe, with Gmail and Outlook 365 leading the pack for enterprise and business accounts.

For most of your employees or customers, it’s natural to send essential data and information via email without giving the value of the data a second thought. However, email loss (accidental or not) can put a company’s data, compliance, and overall productivity at risk without a proper backup or recovery plan.

Does Microsoft 365 back up emails?

Emails are retained on a set policy, before being deleted. Microsoft is aware of this limitation, which is why they recommend third-party backup solutions for Microsoft Office 365 to complement existing retention policies.

Section 6 of Microsoft’s Services Agreement states: “We recommend you regularly back up your content and data . . . using third-party apps and services.”

There are some backup-like systems in Microsoft, such as retention of your deleted inbox for 30 days, and autosave of lost files in Office, but otherwise, there is no large-scale data backup for Microsoft Office 365.

Microsoft Office 365 email Backup solution

With Redstor, the complete Microsoft office 365 email backup solution:

  • Store your email backup sets in a secure cloud location while providing easy access through an intuitive web-based interface.
  • Instantly get your business or customer’s email back up and running in minutes by delivering on-demand recovery, utilizing Redstor’s InstantData™.
  • Identify suspicious files in Microsoft 365 email backup sets before they become attacks using Redstor’s AI-powered Malware Detection.
  • Back up and recover more than just email, including Microsoft OneDrive, SharePoint, Exchange, Teams, OneNote, Class, and Staff Notebooks data.

How to backup Microsoft Office 365 email

Getting started is very quick and easy with Redstor, with a 30-day free trial and the ability to back up data within minutes of signing up. See the video below that shows you in detail how to back up and recover Microsoft Office 365 email.