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ConnectWise Integration

Our ConnectWise integration is designed to help Managed Service Providers (MSPs) scale effortlessly.

Streamline your MSP operations with ease

Seamlessly sync your ConnectWise account with Redstor, map customers, automate alerts and notifications, and supercharge your service desk.

Key benefits:

Simplify operations

Manage Redstor directly in ConnectWise as part of your day-to-day workflows, reducing the need to switch between platforms.

Boost efficiency

Automate routine tasks like monitoring backup statuses or identifying potential malware risks. Get instant notifications and alerts right in ConnectWise.

Service desk automation

Create automated tickets for backup failures, restore completions, or malware detections. Assign these tickets to your support team without manual intervention.

Comprehensive reporting

Access real-time data and generate on-demand or scheduled reports through ConnectWise. Get the insights you need, when you need them.

Scale and grow your business

Onboard customers faster, provide proactive service, and enhance customer satisfaction. Our integration helps you expand your client base and grow your revenue.

    What’s coming next?

    Automated billing

    Access real-time billing data on demand, enabling accurate and flexible invoicing.

    Enhanced reporting

    Get even more powerful insights with expanded reporting capabilities.

    Product and agreement mapping

    Further streamline operations by mapping products and agreements between Redstor and ConnectWise.